

WS-SPEC : 2000 was printed and distributed by Standards Australia International Ltd, ISBN 0 7337 3551 7, and acknowledgements for it are included there in.

ATIC-SPEC and the “ATIC Suite of Schemes” are being developed by ATIC in consultation with industry generally and with JAS-ANZ as a Scheme partner.

Special thanks are given to: NSW Public Works [Dept of Finance, Services & Innovation (DFSI)]; VicRoads; Transport for New South Wales; Asset Standards Authority [Transport for NSW]; Dept of Transport & Main Roads (TMR, Qld); Hunter Water Corp (HWC). Also the previous support of APCC, and the endorsement of Austroads, is acknowledged with thanks.

Thanks are also given to the other participating ATIC members, including: Main Roads WA (MRWA); Qld Dept of Housing & Public Works (Qld DPW); Dept of Industry, Science & Innovation (Industry); Dept of Planning & Infrastructure (DP&I); ACT Environment & Sustainable Development Directorate; WaterNSW [merger of State Water Corp (SWC) & Sydney Catchment Authority (SCA)]; Institute of Public Works Engineering Aust (IPWEA) . [NSW National Division]; Victorian Building Authority; Western Sydney Regional Organisation of Councils Ltd (WSROC); Queensland Urban Utilities; SA Dept for Planning, Transport & Infrastructure (DPTI); NT Dept of Construction & Infrastructure; Catchment Unit, Dept of Primary Industries (DPI); NSW EPA [Planning & Environment Cluster]; Sydney Water Corp (SWC); Sydney Ports Corp (SPC); NSW Land & Housing Corporation (LAHC) [Dept of Family & Community Services].

From industry and learned societies, special thanks are given to: Individuals and individual manufacturers too numerous to include; Ash Development Assoc of Australia (ADAA); Australian Engineered Fasteners and Anchors Council (AEFAC), Australasian Slag Assoc (ASA); Amorphous Silica Assoc of Australia (ASiAA); Australian Steel Institute (ASI); Bureau of Steel Manufacturers of Australia (BOSMA), Cement, Concrete & Aggregates Australia (CCAA); Concrete Institute of Australia (CIA); CSIRO, Cement & Concrete Technology (now closed); Engineers Australia; NATA, School of Civil & Environmental Engineering UNSW (BRC has now ceased operation).

All photos are acknowledged with thanks, including those sourced from the “Bridge Aesthetics: Design guideline to improve the appearance of bridges in NSW, Roads and Maritime Services, Centre for Urban Design, July 2012”.

ATIC-SPEC, WS-SPEC and the “ATIC Suite of Schemes” (the SPECS) are published by NSW Public Works, a division of the Department of Finance, Services & Innovation (DFSI) and previously known as the Department of Public Works & Services (DPWS), on the following basis:

  • DFSI and each contributor each disclaim, to the extent permitted by law, all warranties, representations or endorsements, expressed or implied, with regard to the SPECS.
  • DFSI and each contributor do not warrant, or accept liability in relation to the quality, suitability, adequacy, use or operation of the SPECS.
  • The SPECS are made available on the conditions that DFSI, each contributor and the employees and agents of each of them, shall have no liability (including, but not limited to, liability by reason of negligence) to any user of the SPECS for any loss, damage, cost or expense, whether direct or indirect, consequential or special, incurred by, or arising by reason of any person using or relying on the SPECS, and whether caused by reason of any error, omission or misrepresentation in the SPECS or otherwise. The users of the SPECS will be responsible for making their own assessment of the SPECS and are advised to verify all relevant representations, statements, information and currency of the SPECS with their own professional advisers or as appropriate.

Copyright in the SPECS belongs to the Crown in the right of the State of New South Wales. Anyone proposing to reproduce the SPECS or any part thereof must obtain prior written approval from ATIC.